Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc

Based on recent giving patterns, Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc can be characterized as a selective grantmaker with grants ranging from $500 to $6K. Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc is a 990pf foundation headquartered in Delaware with assets of $350K. Organizations seeking funding from Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc should note that this small foundation only funds pre-selected organizations. Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc provides grants to nationwide organizations with a median grant amount of $1K. Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc manages assets of $350K and distributes approximately $17K annually through its grantmaking activities. Key contacts at Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc include EDWARD BRADLEY (SECRETARY). Based on its grant history, Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc focuses its funding on urban baseball program directed by brent slade, general & unrestricted. Notable grants from Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc have been awarded to OUTSTRETCHED HANDS MINISTRIES INC ($6K for general & unrestricted); OUTSTRETCHED HANDS MINISTRIES INC ($6K for general & unrestricted); SAMARITANS PURSE ($4K for general & unrestricted). Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc has a strong funding presence in Georgia, Missouri and Florida. Through its grantmaking activities, Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc has contributed $17K to make a positive impact in communities across the country.

Basic Information

Return Type
Foundation Source 501 Silverside Rd - Wilmington - DE 198091377

Application Information

Accepts Unsolicited Applications
In-State Only

Most Recent Year (2020)

Total Assets
Total Expenses
Total Giving
Funding Received

Grant Statistics

Number of Grants
Median Grant Amount
Minimum Grant Amount
Maximum Grant Amount

Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc Contacts

Name Phone Title

Crossroads Charitable Foundation Inc Records

Year Total Assets Details
2020 $351,256
2019 $361,984

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